


 Joining MPF

High Powered
Personal and Planetery Purifier (HP3)

Purity is a Sacred Fire Activity That Removes Evil

Evil is distorted warped energy

Description of the Personal and Planetary Purifier (P3 and HP3)
                                        Copyright 2020 by Dan A. Davidson

In the Eastern hemisphere its called karma. In the West, it is usually said "As you sow, so shall you reap". However you think of it, your thoughts and actions and feelings do affect your body, your consciousness, and your circumstances, your work, health, etc, etc.

People who already own the P3 or HP3 and pray or meditate a lot have told me the "HP3 is a device that simply clears out a lot of the cobwebs and blocks which allow our natural creative mind to come through and effect healing on various levels". The HP3 is a very high powered P3.

I have been an avid researcher into alternative science since I was very young and followed it in my career as a scientist and engineer.  The High powered Personal and Planetary Purifier (HP3) shown below is the result of current development.  It is about a 10 inches high and works on 12 volts DC from a common 110 volt or 220 volt plug in power supply or car plug in.

To operate the HP3 put a pattern such as a picture, printed persons name, a location name, mantra, or decree under the HP3. The Law of aether physics is that if you have a pattern of a thing then you are in contact with that thing. So sending a blessing from the P3 is accomplished by energizing the pattern of that which you are blessing.

From a P3 owner, "This is amazing.  This P3 could change the world, is changing the world.  If the Divine can operate through people all the time there is no limit to what humanity can do.  This P3 can possibly just act as a vacuum cleaner and clean up this planet in tens of years which would normally take thousands of years".

The P3 works on a quantum or aetheric level and is a sophisticated Sacred Energy projector. God is Light Consciousness. Divine Purity is one quality of the Sacred Fire as is Love, Wisdom, Power. The P3 projects intense pure Spiritual Purity Light to any target anywhere. The target can be a person, place or thing defined by a picture, name, or decree. It works exceedingly well.

The P3 blesses with the Sacred Fire at 160,000 times higher than the average man on street who is a level of 1.0.

A photo of the P3 is shown below.

P3 results from Those on Machine

I did long range test to Chile for 10 minutes from Arizona. I energized a picture of Man in Chile whose picture was on the P3 and his instant response was. "The P3 is amazing. The Room lite up like a Christmas tree and there was a lot of Sacred Fire Blazing around me."

I found that If you put yourself on the P3 in form of selfie or your name for more than 15 min it is very intense. We did for 2 hours and it about wiped us out for 2 days with much sleep required. Now we are used to energy.

I think its more powerful than older MPF machines. The P3 is 160,000 times higher than the average man on street who is at 1.0 vs the MPF at 110,000. Man in Chile thought so. too. The average student of the Ascended Masters is at 110,000.

Long range test by Lady in Switzerland, did sight unseen test before P3 even built and she said 10 minutes = 10,000 people decreeing calling forth God's Love.

To a Lady in Germany, with the P3 in Arizona had her name was projeced to Germany. "Thank you Dan, It was fantastic!" 

Man in Chile again, Name and address on P3 in arizona, no picture. Name gave more pressure of the energy. He could feel touching the energy with both hands. A little bit of headache until he goy used to it.

A Man in Colorado, energized with name and address on P3 in Arizona. He said he was quickly sent into Higher Mental Body and was observing outer self and the I AM Presence. He has been doing this everyday several times a day. It Resulted in much clearing of outer self (clearing up karma of outer self). He is seeing and feeling more clear such as visualization, memory very clear and sharp, etc. Found need for more sleep so can integrate cleared up feeling and consciousness.

The P3 is also a decree machine. Put a decree of something you would like to see have happen such as purification of some person or group and place under the light in the P3, or have manifest.

You can put yourself on the P3 in form of your picture or name. Do only a few minutes a day and gradually build up the time to continuous.

P3 must be plugged on to work. I did test with and without power to P3. No results with no power. The P3 energizes patterns on the P3 using Pattern Physics

Kriya Yogi Man in Colorado to me. "You already have the technology of the future.  You should be selling thousands of P3 units.  What's the holdup?  It is so powerful that I have to use it in small doses.  The other day I accidentally left it on for several hours and it brought a ton of stuff to the surface.  A bit overwhelming but everything happens for a reason.  I honestly believe that the P3 could provide a path to the immortal phase and possibly ascension.  The thing that kills us, or slows us down, is impurities in our various bodies.  This blazes through most of them.  I feel completely transformed on all levels but also part of it is from my pilgrimage experience.  Of course the timing happens for a reason.  I really believe the P3 is the precursor to the Atlantean ascension chamber.  I think every hour using it is like meditating for a whole year or something along those lines."

Summary of Inputs from P3 Owners
Man in South America - I energized a picture of man on P3 for 10 minutes in the USA and he felt the blessing and saw result in South America. He sent email, "The P3 is amazing. Room lite up like a Christmas tree and lot of Sacred Fire around me."

Another man projected picture, on his personal P3, of himself with name and address. He said was projected into his Higher Mental Body observing outer self and the I AM Presence, the God Self. He has been doing every day several times a day resulting in much clearing of outer self. Seeing, feeling more clear such as visualization, memory very clear and sharp. Found need for more sleep to integrate blessing received.

If you are interested in getting rid of your mental and emotional energy distortions, Become a Christ level Master, cleaning up this beautiful planet, and ridding it of negative energies you may order a Hight Powered Personal and Planetary Purifier (HP3) from :


 The regular P3 is no longer available; However, you can order the newer high powered  version - the HP3. There is a speical on the HP3 for $390.

The picture at the left is one of the first HP3s. The new ones are totally self contained in the white tube.

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 Healing Wand

 HP3 Purifier